Why You Need To Know About Omnichannel Marketing


When you stop to think about the evolution of marketing in the last decade alone, it’s pretty remarkable — especially how mobile has forever changed the way we engage with our favorite brands.

The billboard, television or email campaigns of yesteryear have transformed into in-app messages, chatbots and social memes. These are just some of the marketing channels that have developed in the last decade — and it seems as if more channels are being introduced all the time, especially with the introduction of Omnichannel marketing.

But effectively utilizing these new channels and capabilities seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle. In fact, driving business value through effective customer engagement is an area where many brands have fallen short.

Bottom line: The best creative marketing campaign is worthless if there are no real business results to show.

So when it comes to reaching people on mobile — that little thing that’s in our hands for  results matter. We’re in a mobile-first world, and every business needs to adapt or risk losing out on the majority of their audience. And while it’s important for marketers to engage customers on all channels, that alone is not the be-all and end-all.

Experiences matter more than the channel

By no means should we downplay the importance of omnichannel, but it shouldn’t be viewed as the cure for all marketing woes.

Experiences and solutions are what matter most to customers, so focusing only on the channels and ignoring the importance of content means marketers will inevitably fall short on delivering a great experience. Simply sending messages to users on every channel is meaningless if those messages don’t drive positive changes in user behavior.

But you know what’s going to underwhelm or annoy your target customer most? An irrelevant, poorly timed, unhelpful message, regardless of whether it’s being sent by push, email or chat. In fact, our company found that over 50 percent of app users find push notifications annoying in general — and when you consider how over 35 percent of push notifications are generic “broadcast” blasts, it’s no surprise that a lack of relevance plays a major role in this perception.

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