Guidelines in Starting Your Own Website


Do you want to start a website that you can use as extra source of income? Let’s be honest, starting a business especially land-based shop or office can be very expensive. If you have limited capital and resources, then no doubt that online business through a website is your best shot at making your entrepreneurial dream to come true.

Here are some guidelines to help you start your very own website:

  1. Think of a niche for your site –first of all, you need to decide what your website is going to be about. Do you want to start an online shopping website wherein you will post items that people would want to buy like clothes, shoes, bags and others? Or do you want a website to offer different services like article writing, editing, web development and others? It is really up to you but make sure that your goal is clear before you make any other actions.
  2. Come up with a unique name with a good recall – branding is very important and it would be very beneficial for you if you will come up with a unique but easy-to-remember name. This way, people will easily recognize your brand and will be able to come back to your site easily.
  3. Use a reliable hosting service –it is also important to use fast and reliable hosting service. Check out important factors including load time, cost and whether they have 24/7 support that you can contact in case there’s emergency.
  4. Use appropriate layout and design – there are different ready-to-use templates or themes that you can utilize for your website. You can even use the free website builder of Sitebeat PH or other site developers to make things a lot easier for you. You will just choose a theme to use then drag and drop elements that will complete your website. You can choose theme depending on the nature of your website whether it’s e-commerce site, food blog, fashion or others.
  5. Do keyword research – it is essential to know what are the best keywords to target. This way, your website will appear in the search engine results when users search for that particular keyword.
  6. Prepare good contents to post – content is very important to attract visitors. You should give them high quality content whether articles, images, videos, infographics or anything. It is also best to publish new content at least once or twice a week.
  7. Check out your competitors –it would be great to check your competitors too and what they offer. This will give you ideas on the best practices and those that you should avoid. Of course you will not just copy from them instead you should learn by observing.
  8. Come up with promotions –people love promos and discounts and it’s a great way to get their attention. You should think of some ideas like promo for new sign-ups, buy 1 take 1 deal or even freebies that you can offer when they reach certain amount on their purchases.
  9. Promote in different social media sites –lastly, make sure to promote your site to different social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. Being visible in these social media sites will give you a good exposure that you need.

Those are some of the things to remember when starting your own website. To be able to succeed, you need to be patient and hardworking. Just continue your effort to increase traffic to your site and soon, you will be able to see the fruit of your hard work.

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