A List of the Top Five Characteristics of All Great Websites


You may have an existing website and are wondering why it’s not performing as well as it should. Or you may have a start-up business, realise you need a great site, but are not sure how to design one. It’s common, and the difficulty is equally prevalent; we’re not all great at website design, after all. Still, it’s worth learning more about, even if you plan to have someone else take care of the project. You need to know what you want.

Building a great website is not as hard as you think. You just need to follow a few tried and tested rules. Following some basic guidelines can get you very far, and whilst there’s always room for improvement, it’ll be a good start. Here’s a list of the top five characteristics of all great websites.

The look and feel

The visual appearance is crucial! That’s how the average visitor will judge your site. If it doesn’t look professional and trustworthy, how can you expect visitors to have a positive impression?

Of course, you can’t please everybody, but that is not your goal. You have a specific target demographic, and you need to cater to them. Put effort into it.


Your homepage is important – and the other pages too. Browsing your website and being able to go from one page to the other is something that should never be neglected; your customers deserve to get the information they are looking for in a very easy and straightforward manner. Make the navigation tabs clear and keep the sitemap as simple as you can.

Content matters

Your content needs to be relevant to your readers. It needs to provide visitors with desired information. Get professional writers; nothing is worse than seeing spelling and grammar mistakes.


No glitches, please. If you’re not sure that your video will play or that a certain link will connect, don’t put it in there. It looks unprofessional.


Use SEO in your on-page content; ensure as much traffic to your site as possible.

One more thing you should keep in mind when you or designers like the web design Clevedon professionals from It’seeze Websites start to work on the greatest website you can possibly create: it needs to be mobile friendly. More and more people do their business when they are away from home or the office, meaning they receive their information on mobile devices. It’s a trend that is not going to stop – in fact, it’s bound to increase – so make sure your website is easily seen, easily used, and practical when it’s visited from a mobile device. It may require a little effort but it’s definitely worth it.

Image: Pixabay.com

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