5 Useful Tips for Locating the Best Ecommerce Web Hosting Provider


For setting up a successful ecommerce business, web hosting has a significant role to play. Along with quality products, strategic web designing and coding, you need to select the web hosting provider intuitively as this technology will bridge in between your prospect buyers and your business. A poor quality web hosting will be dangerous for the survival of your ecommerce business. Without it, the content, off-page and on-page SEO, landing page creations etc will all go in vain and you’ll experience more bounce rate which is threatening for any ecommerce business to retain its SERP rank. Thus, if you’re planning to purchase a reliable web hosting service, try the ecommerce web hosting by PhoenixNap reputed for being speedy, reliable, customer-friendly, and affordable in the online business world.

Here are the top 5 useful tips for locating the best ecommerce web hosting provider—

Speed is power

Today, most online customers purchase things online on the go. That’s why Google and other popular search engines are putting their best efforts to ensure 100% UX for the smartphone users. One of the primary features is speed of the webpage. To speed up the site, the web hosting provider has a major part to play. It’s the hosting that manages the speed of your ecommerce site.

Disk space

Unlike normal websites, the ecommerce websites require more space as they have more pages and loads of images as well as videos. So find out a web hosting provider ensuring more disk space in the servers.

Choosing the domains

Domain names are the address to get access to the websites. Choose the domain name smartly. It has to be catchy as you’ll be running an online shop and at the same time the name shouldn’t be registered by any other brand or small business owner running an ecommerce site online.


Ecommerce business owners have to become more careful about protecting the privacy of the customers especially their payment details. So choose the hosting ensuring private SSL that secures the credit card and login information.

Excellent customer care service

Web hosting hassle can arrive anytime, so make sure the web hosting provider has a 24/7/365 customer care service.

Therefore, if you seriously want the customers to stay on your ecommerce site for some time and shop, you have to make sure the pages are opening properly within the real-time as people don’t have time to wait.

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